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Re: Tourist submarine missing!

Posted: July 5th, 2023, 12:34 am
by servodude
bungeejumper wrote:Another incisive little gem from the New Yorker piece:
Another “mission specialist” wrote in a blog post that, a month before the implosion, Rush had confessed that he’d “gotten the carbon fiber used to make the Titan at a big discount from Boeing because it was past its shelf-life for use in airplanes.”


Which kind of paints the "they knew what they were getting in to" stuff I've heard about the victims in a slightly different light.
I can't help but think they had ultimately been mis-sold the experience despite whatever waivers they had signed.

Re: Tourist submarine missing!

Posted: June 11th, 2024, 6:56 pm
by Hallucigenia
Wired now have the emails.... ... ate-files/

The full story is just jaw dropping in the repeated contempt for safety and the advice of engineers.