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HYP Top-up new versions 11.24 and b-b

Posted: January 13th, 2017, 4:13 pm
by kiloran
Itsallaguess and I have created 11.24 (Excel) and b-b (LibreOffice/OpenOffice), which are available at: http://lemonfoolfinancialsoftware.weebl ... op-up.html

Both versions have updated Watchlists, showing Latest data (in red) if Forecast data is not available. This now mirrors the functionality of the main "High Yield Portfolio" sheet.

Version b-b has some additional changes:
  1. I recently updated LibreOffice to version and this appeared to break the functionality of the "Delete Share" button (BIG crash!). This has been fixed
  2. For the past week or so, I found that reporting dividends from ADVFN produced a 403:Forbidden error on HYPTUSS, even though it was OK in my browser. Updated code seems to have overcome this problem.
  3. It has previously been reported that versions since a-w do not function correctly on a Mac. I've added some code to hopefully fix this. The fix may mean that when used on a Mac, displayed data does not update share-by-share, it only displays when all shares have been updated

Quite a few users have reported problems retrieving dividends from Dividend Data since it was introduced in Oct16. Excessive usage may result in the user's IP Address being blacklisted, which even prevents the use of a normal web browser to look at the web site. It's hard to say what is considered excessive usage..... I've seen problems with 20 requests in an hour, yet I recently made around 200 request in a couple of hours without problem. The problem can normally be overcome by rebooting the router to get a new IP Address, but some ISPs do not allow an IP address refresh.
You can use ADVFN as an alternative source of dividends, though I've found that the quality of the data is not quite as good as Dividend Data.
We are looking at another alternative source which may be included in a future release. When this is done, I think we will also look at changing the functionality of the "View Dividends" button, so that it views dividends from the source selected on the Parameters sheet, rather than the fixed source of Dividend Data.


Re: HYP Top-up new versions 11.24 and b-b

Posted: January 13th, 2017, 6:12 pm
by Breelander
kiloran wrote:Itsallaguess and I have created 11.24 (Excel) and b-b (LibreOffice/OpenOffice)...

As is my usual practice, I tested the Libre/Open Office version by importing the holdings from my customised version a-t. It passed the 'Bree' test with flying colours, you'll be pleased to hear.

By now there have been so many changes since a-t, particularly to things like dividend dates et. al. that it was time to take that extra step, the one I've been putting off, importing my customisations. Surprisingly easy, don't know why I haven't got round to it before. Version b-b is now officially my prime HYPTUSS.

Many thanks for all your hard work.

Re: HYP Top-up new versions 11.24 and b-b

Posted: January 16th, 2017, 2:11 pm
by Raptor

downloaded and tested all the buttons. Seems fine to me.


Re: HYP Top-up new versions 11.24 and b-b

Posted: February 8th, 2017, 9:23 pm
by Wizard
I have just downloaded the HYPTUSS for the first time - thank you to those who put the work in to creating this!

Has the issue of being blocked on Dividend Data been resolved. I loaded up the 10 shares I have so far and then loaded up my watch list, another 28 shares. When trying to use the View Dividends button for the first time I have now been blocked from DividendData. Never had this issue when accessing the site frequently to manually update my old spreadsheet manually.

Am I now blocked from DividendData forever, or is it temporary?


Re: HYP Top-up new versions 11.24 and b-b

Posted: February 8th, 2017, 9:40 pm
by staffordian
Wizard wrote:Am I now blocked from DividendData forever, or is it temporary?


The consensus seems to be that it is temporary, but for how long is unclear.

Between a few days and a week or two, from what I can see.

In some cases, resetting your router can be a temporary fix as it may generate a new IP address for you.


Re: HYP Top-up new versions 11.24 and b-b

Posted: February 9th, 2017, 12:52 pm
by kiloran
Wizard wrote:Has the issue of being blocked on Dividend Data been resolved. I loaded up the 10 shares I have so far and then loaded up my watch list, another 28 shares. When trying to use the View Dividends button for the first time I have now been blocked from DividendData. Never had this issue when accessing the site frequently to manually update my old spreadsheet manually.

Am I now blocked from DividendData forever, or is it temporary?

Hi Terry, sorry to hear about your problems.
I'm still trying to work out what the Dividend Data website will or will not tolerate before it blocks the user. I'm fairly certain that the problem is not restricted to the HYP Top-Up, I've been locked out after accessing the website around 20 times in 10 minutes or so using my browser. On other occasions, I've perhaps exceeded 60 or so hits in 20 minutes or so without problem. Whatever the cause of the problem, it's a real shame considering the apparent quality of the data.

If you are locked out, some people have reported that the problem resets after a few days or weeks, some seem to have a permanent lock-out. You might be able to overcome the problem by resetting your IP address as follows:
  1. Note your current IP address using
  2. Reboot (NOT reset) your broadband router by switching off the power, waiting for 30s or so, then switching back on
  3. Check your new IP address using
This does not work for all ISPs (works OK for my BT ADSL internet). It does not work with Virgin cable, which assigns a fixed IP address for a user.

If you are still locked out, you can manually access the Dividend Data website from a browser using a proxy, such as Enter the Dividend Data URL into the website, click on "Hide My Ass1" and you should see the Dividend Data website returned by the HideMyAss proxy.

The Dividend Data problems are a real pain, and Itsallaguess and I are actively evaluating some ways of working around the problem.


HYP Top-up new versions - libre office - useful formula

Posted: February 11th, 2017, 9:34 am
by torata
This seems too minor to start a new topic, so just adjusted the subject (hope it doesn't throw people)

For libreoffice, if you want to have a time stamp for when you last updated your HYPTUS, this works for me:

Code: Select all


Where E6 is the 'current shareprice' cell of the first share (a change in that is what triggers a "Now" time stamp)
and B1 is the cell where you put the formula and where the time stamp will appear (so change the B1 to whichever cell you use)



Re: HYP Top-up new versions 11.24 and b-b

Posted: February 11th, 2017, 4:54 pm
by Wizard
Thanks for the helpful replies. I have not tried the router reset as today I checked and I am able to access Dividend Data from my browser, so whatever the reason for the block it seems to have only been short lived. I will break the router reboot in mind, hopefully as I am on BT and not Virgin it will help.


Re: HYP Top-up new versions 11.24 and b-b

Posted: February 11th, 2017, 6:49 pm
by Breelander
Wizard wrote: ..router reboot in mind, hopefully as I am on BT and not Virgin it will help.

Yes, works every time for me (also on BT). In fact, you don't need a full reboot. Go to your router's web page, click 'Disconnect' then connect again - that's sufficient.