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Re: Update to HYP Top-Up spreadsheet

Posted: December 29th, 2016, 7:05 pm
by NeilW
kiloran wrote:
(and Neil, if you are reading this, I still have your problem on my to-do list. There always seems to be other problems to work on :( )


I am, and I know and appreciate that feeling.

As ever I am grateful for your attention. It's not an easy problem to solve.

Re: Update to HYP Top-Up spreadsheet

Posted: December 29th, 2016, 8:53 pm
by kiloran
NeilW wrote:
kiloran wrote:(and Neil, if you are reading this, I still have your problem on my to-do list. There always seems to be other problems to work on :( )

I am, and I know and appreciate that feeling.
As ever I am grateful for your attention. It's not an easy problem to solve.

NeilW.... did you see the PM I sent a few days ago?


Re: Update to HYP Top-Up spreadsheet

Posted: December 30th, 2016, 2:41 pm
by woodenman
Don't know if anyone else is experiencing this, but I am having an issue getting DL forecast yields in the watchlist after going from LibreOffice a-y to b-a

Clicking on the button shows the 'Processing XXX' with the expected first ticker, but nothing seems to happen. It's not a total hang of the application and forecast yields still works on the HYP page. I even tried removing my top watched company (ASHM) to see if that was the issue, but it also hangs on the next row (TATE) and ASHM still works on my a-y sheet.

Running on latest LO (after upgrading to see if that was the issue) on Win10. Tried debugging, but I'm not familiar with LO's macro system and it appears some things run fine clicking the button which don't work on step-through (it complains about not finding the 'downloads' sheet, for instance)

Re: Update to HYP Top-Up spreadsheet

Posted: December 30th, 2016, 3:09 pm
by Breelander
woodenman wrote:Don't know if anyone else is experiencing this, but I am having an issue getting DL forecast yields in the watchlist after going from LibreOffice a-y to b-a

Clicking on the button shows the 'Processing XXX' with the expected first ticker, but nothing seems to happen. It's not a total hang of the application and forecast yields still works on the HYP page.

Yes, I've just tested it. In b-a the 'get DL yields' works on the HYP page but not on the Watchlist, either for a Watchlist imported (copy & pasted) from my (working) a-t sheet, or for a Watchlist created from scratch within b-a.

Re: Update to HYP Top-Up spreadsheet

Posted: December 30th, 2016, 3:25 pm
by kiloran
woodenman wrote:Don't know if anyone else is experiencing this, but I am having an issue getting DL forecast yields in the watchlist after going from LibreOffice a-y to b-a

Clicking on the button shows the 'Processing XXX' with the expected first ticker, but nothing seems to happen. It's not a total hang of the application and forecast yields still works on the HYP page. I even tried removing my top watched company (ASHM) to see if that was the issue, but it also hangs on the next row (TATE) and ASHM still works on my a-y sheet.

Me too! Mea culpa. I'll have a look at it.
woodenman wrote:Running on latest LO (after upgrading to see if that was the issue) on Win10. Tried debugging, but I'm not familiar with LO's macro system and it appears some things run fine clicking the button which don't work on step-through (it complains about not finding the 'downloads' sheet, for instance)

I'm not sure what you mean by clicking the button which don't work on step-through. I have a suspicion that you might be single-stepping through the code. This can only be done with Basic, but the vast majority of the OpenOffice version uses Python so you cannot step through the code. I left the original Basic code in there for posterity; maybe I should remove it.


Re: Update to HYP Top-Up spreadsheet

Posted: December 30th, 2016, 3:57 pm
by Breelander
kiloran wrote:
woodenman wrote:Don't know if anyone else is experiencing this, but I am having an issue getting DL forecast yields in the watchlist after going from LibreOffice a-y to b-a

Me too! Mea culpa. I'll have a look at it.

If it helps, it worked in a-z.

Re: Update to HYP Top-Up spreadsheet

Posted: December 30th, 2016, 4:56 pm
by woodenman
kiloran wrote:
woodenman wrote:Running on latest LO (after upgrading to see if that was the issue) on Win10. Tried debugging, but I'm not familiar with LO's macro system and it appears some things run fine clicking the button which don't work on step-through (it complains about not finding the 'downloads' sheet, for instance)

I'm not sure what you mean by clicking the button which don't work on step-through. I have a suspicion that you might be single-stepping through the code. This can only be done with Basic, but the vast majority of the OpenOffice version uses Python so you cannot step through the code. I left the original Basic code in there for posterity; maybe I should remove it.


That may be the issue then - I was attempting to step through the basic code and it was complaining at several points. By 'the button' I meant the button in the UI that you usually use to kick off the process vs stepping through the code (it would let you kick off the procedure by using the 'step into / step over' buttons in the debugger which I was using as my breakpoints weren't working (prob due to it using Python)

Re: Update to HYP Top-Up spreadsheet

Posted: January 5th, 2017, 10:05 am
by kiloran
Whatsup wrote:Dear Kiloran
There was a bug in a previous version of the Open/Libre Office version (a-x) which did not complete the processing after downloading dividends causing the sheet to hang and although the sheet could be saved it was still inoperative needing a force quit followed by a recovery to make it work

Having downloaded the new version this appears still to be the case. Have I missed something ?

Colin, have you seen the Private Message I sent you on 24Dec16? PM link is towards the top-right of this page


Re: Update to HYP Top-Up spreadsheet

Posted: January 5th, 2017, 11:55 am
by Urbandreamer
Is anyone else having difficulty retrieving dividend dates?

I'm currently using v11.11 but v11.23 also seems to decide that BP and SL (for test) have no dividend dates.

Re: Update to HYP Top-Up spreadsheet

Posted: January 5th, 2017, 12:10 pm
by kiloran
Urbandreamer wrote:Is anyone else having difficulty retrieving dividend dates?

I'm currently using v11.11 but v11.23 also seems to decide that BP and SL (for test) have no dividend dates.

Works OK for me.
Are you saying that BP and SL are specific problems, or are you having problems with all shares? Did you make many requests for data and found that it failed after a number of successes?

If the latter, I suspect you have been blacklisted by Dividend Data for overuse. Does this work in your browser: ... rchTerm=bp. or do you get a 403:Forbidden response?

http://lemonfoolfinancialsoftware.weebl ... bsite.html

If you get 403:Forbidden, the website has decided that you have made too many queries and blocked your IP address. At times, they seem to be very sensitive, I do wonder if they want people to use their site. You may find that the block is removed after a day or two. You can overcome this problem immediately by getting a new IP Address.
  1. Check your current IP Address using:
  2. Reboot your broadband router
  3. Recheck your current IP Address using:

You might need to reboot your router a few times, and maybe your ISP always gives you the same IP. If you still have problems, try using ADVFN as the dividend source.


Re: Update to HYP Top-Up spreadsheet

Posted: January 5th, 2017, 1:14 pm
by Urbandreamer
kiloran wrote:
Urbandreamer wrote:If the latter, I suspect you have been blacklisted by Dividend Data for overuse. Does this work in your browser: ... rchTerm=bp. or do you get a 403:Forbidden response?

http://lemonfoolfinancialsoftware.weebl ... bsite.html


Thanks. Of course when the problem first turned up I kept trying to see if it was a tempory issue.

It looks like I'm blocked both at home and work. I'll reset my home router and try and lay off for a while. I suspect that I checked dates a bit too frequently in Dec trying to guess when IBT might turn up. Once a month sounds a more sensible frequency.

I wonder if they'll eventually forgive my work IP.

Re: Update to HYP Top-Up spreadsheet

Posted: January 5th, 2017, 2:36 pm
by Raptor
I did get a few "no response" when running it recently whilst testing some changes to my modified spreadsheet, but in the end this resolved itself.

Have been lucky with the blocking, but then again I do have a revolving list of 5 ip addresses so keeping fingers crossed as am about to start working on a few more changes that I have put off for a few years.
