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Moving posts to other forums

Posted: November 1st, 2021, 11:08 am
by didds
I may have missed the boat on this so apologies if I have!

Quite often it seems DAK questions turn into a bit of a rambling debate/discussion - mods may then step in and close the thread.

Could mods not at their discretion just move such threads to another forum ... whilst accepting that such menainderign from strict answers do indeed move away from the ethos of DAK noinetheless some interesting discussions then do emanate that may be worthwhile continuing?



Re: Moving posts to other forums

Posted: November 1st, 2021, 11:52 am
by gryffron
Sometimes this does happen. Depends on the thread/subject in question. e.g. viewtopic.php?f=99&t=31825

I have long argued that the strict Q/A definition of DAK is much less important here on TLF than it was on TMF. Both because the board is much quieter, and the collapsed-thread-default-view here prevents older discussions being pushed out of sight. And I agree with you that long rambling discussions AFTER THE INITIAL QUESTION HAS BEEN ANSWERED can often bring up relevant points not covered in the quick answer. Personally, I see no benefit in locking such threads, provided they stay on the relevant topic. Or, as you say, they can be moved if they meander into politics/policy.

It is generally users who alert the mods about rambling discussion. But that is what the DAK rules currently say. Perhaps they could be somewhat widened to allow continued discussion?


Re: Moving posts to other forums

Posted: November 1st, 2021, 3:45 pm
by csearle
In that example the thread is not locked, the rambling continues unabated. There is a link in DAK so it is almost identical to it being discussed on DAK itself.

In fact some might not even realise it has moved. Not quite sure what the point is therefore.
