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Re: Members no longer with us

Posted: June 28th, 2022, 10:25 pm
by mc2fool
Clariman wrote:The options we have handling accounts includes
  • deactivate (can be reactivated)
  • delete user (retain posts)
  • delete user (delete posts)
I don't think any of those are appropriate for a valued user who is no longer with us.

I think we can change a user name but I'd need to check. I don't see a need to do anything to the account of a deceased member but if we did, adding something to the account name would he my preference e.g. adding 'in memoriam' or IM.

I think there is another option which, on my cursory reading on phpBB, looks to be very easy (for admins), and has already been mentioned and positively received in this thread, and that's to show the usernames of deceased members in a different colour.

You can check this with Stooz but AIUI you can create a new group (like Administrators, Moderators) called, say, DearlyDeparted, assign a colour to that group (grey?), and then put members that have passed on in that group. Their usernames will thereafter show in that colour. AIUI at least....

Re: Members no longer with us

Posted: June 29th, 2022, 11:11 am
by TUK020
Clariman wrote:The options we have handling accounts includes
  • deactivate (can be reactivated)
  • delete user (retain posts)
  • delete user (delete posts)
I don't think any of those are appropriate for a valued user who is no longer with us.

I think we can change a user name but I'd need to check. I don't see a need to do anything to the account of a deceased member but if we did, adding something to the account name would he my preference e.g. adding 'in memoriam' or IM.

Would it be simpler to just change their descriptor from e.g. "Lemon Quarter" to "Orange"

Re: Members no longer with us

Posted: June 29th, 2022, 9:52 pm
by csearle
I have mixed feelings. The other day a long-dead (if you will pardon the connotation) thread was rejuvenated and as I was reading through it, unaware of the age of the material, my mate PinkDalek piped up. All became clear! Although it was a bit disconcerting it also brought him back to life for me, briefly - which was actually quite lovely.

I am not sure but I think that maybe not highlighting a user's mortal state might be the best option.
