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Company signature

Posted: March 29th, 2017, 3:42 pm
by CryptoPlankton
I have been sent a contract to sign by a company preparing to do some (representative) work for me. The covering letter was "signed" [The Company Name] in someone's handwriting. I thought this was a bit odd, but not particularly important - until I looked at the contract...

You've guessed it, the contract stated "signed by [individual's name] for and on behalf of [company's name]" then the company's name was written in someone's handwriting where the signature should be (followed by "Director" in print).

The contract is fairly straightforward and I can't see why or how they would pull a fast one, but I don't feel very comfortable adding my signature. If the director hasn't signed his own name where it states "signed by" will the contract be valid?

Any idea what's going on?

Re: Company signature

Posted: March 29th, 2017, 5:27 pm
by didds
Play dumb. Call them and say that nobody has actually signed it and you'll be returning it for an actual person's signature


Re: Company signature

Posted: March 30th, 2017, 1:01 pm
by CryptoPlankton
didds wrote:Play dumb.

I'm a natural :)

I'm tempted to send it back "signed" The Client in my best handwriting.