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Noise Nuisance

Posted: February 16th, 2017, 8:20 am
by bruncher
We were rudely awakened this morning just before 06.30 by a very noisy tow truck removing a clamped vehicle. Engine running, chains clanging etc for 10 minutes. I took photos, registration number of the tow truck, and company name.

Our road is residential and has a No Lorries before 07.00 prohibition, also I thought there was a general prohibition on noisy work before 08.00, but can't find any reference except to construction work.

I fear that if I call my local environmental health office they will tell me that they will not take action unless I can demonstrate a pattern of repeat occurrences. In fact there is a pattern of skips being delivered/collected, building supplies delivered, etc. but it is not usually the same delivery vehicle to the same address except that the council itself ignores the interests of residents (and the law?) by collecting rubbish every week very early.

Do I have any remedy?
Moderator Message:
Topic locked as it was regressing - Chris

Re: Noise Nuisance

Posted: February 16th, 2017, 8:24 am
by richlist
Why not just accept the tow truck as a one off occurrence ?.....after all, they can only remove the vehicle once.

Re: Noise Nuisance

Posted: February 16th, 2017, 8:38 am
by bruncher
richlist wrote:Why not just accept the tow truck as a one off occurrence ?.....after all, they can only remove the vehicle once.

You could make the same argument if you were burgled and your wedding ring was stolen - it can only happen once.

I have lost hours of sleep, been shocked awake by someone who has flouted community ethics and deliberately ignored the potential nuisance he is causing. His company NSL is a major contractor to DVLA and all these people claim to operate using 'best practice' for their industry. I would bet that this driver works to his own convenience regardless.

Re: Noise Nuisance

Posted: February 16th, 2017, 10:05 am
by stewamax
Is 06.30 early?

Re: Noise Nuisance

Posted: February 16th, 2017, 10:22 am
by swill453
Our bin service starts at 06.00, as stated in writing on the council web site and the calendar we get. If it was illegal I'm sure it would have been challenged by now.


Re: Noise Nuisance

Posted: February 16th, 2017, 12:23 pm
by melonfool
I get up for work at 5.15am and leave the house at 6.15am, this morning I had to put the cat litter out in the outside bin in the dark and rain, while I was trying to carry my work bag and handbag, do up my coat, and open the car. The wheelie bin lid flew out of my hand and crashed down backwards onto the bonnet of [ex]OH's 'car'. Maybe I should report myself to EH for loud noise pre 6.30am?

Or maybe I should report my neighbour who was heard putting his recycling out at around 11.30pm last night after I was in bed! Actually, from the sound of it, I should report him to Alcoholics Anonymous.



Re: Noise Nuisance

Posted: February 16th, 2017, 1:09 pm
by Mike4
I have to say, it sounds to me as though this is just the sort of normal and random activity you get in a busy residential neighbourhood. No one single source of noise, you've just chosen a noisy place to live!

It puts me in mind of people who buy a house next to the village church, then moan about the bells.... :)

Re: Noise Nuisance

Posted: February 16th, 2017, 1:26 pm
by UncleEbenezer
It's probably Best Practice for a job like that to happen when the roads are not busy. If you're a residential road, they'd have been an obstruction and a nuisance to some of your neighbours if they'd left it a couple of hours later.

I'm getting a how the other half live feeling from the idea that there's anything out of the ordinary about nocturnal noises in your road.

Re: Noise Nuisance

Posted: February 16th, 2017, 2:08 pm
by bruncher
stewamax wrote:Is 06.30 early?

I've had many different jobs - some starting 01.30 (wholesale fruit and veg), some starting at 06.00 (M&S warehouse), tidal lock keeper (anytime as required), so please don't think I'm unaware of the diversity of essential works people are involved in.

swill453 wrote:If it was illegal I'm sure it would have been challenged by now.

You have a lot of faith in local government and law enforcement. I see local government and law enforcement failing in so many areas currently.

Re: Noise Nuisance

Posted: February 16th, 2017, 2:33 pm
by richlist
I'm of the opinion that the removal of a clamped vehicle IS a one off thing. Once the vehicle has been removed it ain't gonna be removed ever again.

It seems to me you are making a mountain out of a mole hill. 6.30 am isn't particularly early, it's only 30 mins before trucks are permitted anyway and it ain't gonna happen every week.

If that's all I had to concern myself with I'd be a very happy bunny.

Lighten up, become a Christian, extend your goodwill to all and spend your time doing something worthwhile.

Good luck

Re: Noise Nuisance

Posted: February 16th, 2017, 2:58 pm
by bruncher
richlist wrote:If that's all I had to concern myself with I'd be a very happy bunny.

People are affected in different ways by different phenomena. Why would you assume I'm not busy?

richlist wrote:Lighten up, become a Christian, extend your goodwill to all and spend your time doing something worthwhile.

More presumptuousness. This is the Legal Issues board.

Re: Noise Nuisance

Posted: February 16th, 2017, 3:33 pm
by csearle
Moderator Message:
As this is the Legal Issues (Practical) forum please could we restrict answers to the original question "Do I have any [legal] remedy?" (my bracketed addition) rather than mulling over what is or isn't early etc. as that probably wont lead this topic to a useful conclusion. Thanks, Chris

Re: Noise Nuisance

Posted: February 16th, 2017, 5:17 pm
by richlist
Do you have any remedy ?

I don't believe you have a cat's chance in hell of getting anyone to take any action to address this one off event.

Hopefully they are all dealing with real problems.

Re: Noise Nuisance

Posted: February 16th, 2017, 7:20 pm
by baldchap
As somebody who had to wait 3 months for the Authorities to deal with an abandoned vehicle I would have been happy if they turned up in the middle of the night.

Think of the removal of a clamped vehicle as a positive result.

Re: Noise Nuisance

Posted: February 18th, 2017, 6:11 pm
by bruncher
richlist wrote:Why not just accept the tow truck as a one off occurrence ?.

Because I want to set a precedent, that the law will be enforced and seen to be enforced.