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Re: Missing Wills

Posted: February 2nd, 2017, 10:02 pm
by Gengulphus
Dod1010 wrote:On the general subject of witnesses, if I were trying to browbeat a testator to sign something which he/she may not fully understand or have read, I am quite sure that I would find a compliant witness to the signature. ...

Likewise, if I were trying to break into someone's house, I am quite sure I would wear sturdy gloves, to guard against leaving fingerprints or cutting myself and leaving DNA evidence. Yet out of three break-ins or attempted break-ins that I have had in my current house over the years, the perpetrator left such evidence in all three cases...

I do seem to have encountered a particularly stupid breed of burglar, of course. But basically, while things that only catch stupid law-breakers aren't as valuable as those that catch the smart ones as well, they're still of some value!


Re: Missing Wills

Posted: February 2nd, 2017, 10:56 pm
by chas49
Moderator Message:
The OP's question has been answered, and the OP has not posted further questions for a while. The topic is now closed. (chas49)