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Seller pulls out after survey

Posted: June 16th, 2017, 11:58 am
by Paultry
My son and his wife had an offer accepted on a house, having sold their flat.

Everything going smoothly, mortgage approved, survey completed at a price (they could have had the free one from their lender but chose to have a more extensive version), and then the seller went wobbly and withdrew it from the market.

The couple selling have two houses, having recently married, so it appeared it should have been a simple transaction there being no chain to worry over.

My question is, will this have happened before, and if not, will estate agents be wary of taking on this house again in the future?

PS not sure if this is the correct board.


Re: Seller pulls out after survey

Posted: June 20th, 2017, 1:45 pm
by bungeejumper
The suspicion here will always be that the seller has in fact had a higher offer from somebody else, and that he's pulled the sale so as to be able to accept it on the quiet, with no agents involved. :twisted:

Estate agents, who thereby stand to lose their fees on done deals, are (to use the vernacular) sh1t 'ot on this issue, and will pursue the vendor through the courts for their rightful emoluments.

Sadly, there is no obvious way that a disappointed buyer can reclaim his wasted survey and/or legal expenses, although it never hurts to ask. There are honest vendors who'll say fair enough, mea culpa.


Re: Seller pulls out after survey

Posted: June 21st, 2017, 5:35 pm
by Maroochydore
Paultry wrote:My question is, will this have happened before, and if not, will estate agents be wary of taking on this house again in the future?

My answer is; who knows if it has happened before and of course the agents will take on this house again. They are only concerned with gaining a commission, not concerned with the expenses and heartache the potential buyer may incur.

Re: Seller pulls out after survey

Posted: June 24th, 2017, 3:15 pm
by Paultry
Fate intervenes.

Believe it or not, a very similar house a few yards from the original one is on the market and an offer has been accepted.

It is slightly more expensive, but far better condition and with a host more attractive features.

I just hope it goes swimmingly and to completion.

Turned out nice again.


Re: Seller pulls out after survey

Posted: September 25th, 2017, 11:06 am
by Paultry
It has taken a while, but the move to the house happened on Thursday 14th September, yippee!

Except, the veneer of beauty covers multiple cans of worms. But they will make it really lovely over time, unless a lottery win comes their way. Paul

Re: Seller pulls out after survey

Posted: September 25th, 2017, 6:22 pm
by JMN2
Paultry wrote:It has taken a while, but the move to the house happened on Thursday 14th September, yippee!

Except, the veneer of beauty covers multiple cans of worms. But they will make it really lovely over time, unless a lottery win comes their way. Paul

Well done, congrats! As long as the structure and the roof are OK everything else are mostly niggles remedied by doing some DIY... :lol: