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Changing PAYE Tax Coding to account for HR tax relief on pension contributions

Lemon Slice
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Changing PAYE Tax Coding to account for HR tax relief on pension contributions


Postby Satsuma » January 11th, 2017, 8:58 am

According to my employer's pension information, "Higher rate taxpayers can apply for additional tax relief via an adjustment to their PAYE tax coding."

Question 1: I have an existing Account on HMRC/ Government Gateway, but I can't see anywhere to do this. How do I go about this please? Googling suggests I have to go down the SA route to reclaim the HR tax relief which I would rather avoid! (PAYE employee, my only income)

Question 2: Do I need to do anything else?


Lemon Slice
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Re: Changing PAYE Tax Coding to account for HR tax relief on pension contributions


Postby pochisoldi » January 11th, 2017, 12:33 pm

In my experience it got done automagically once HMRC picked up on the regular contribution on my tax return.

In years gone by I got the relief coded out by making a phone call, but that was in the olden days when you could speak to a reasonably knowledgeable person without sitting in a call waiting queue for 30mins+.

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Re: Changing PAYE Tax Coding to account for HR tax relief on pension contributions


Postby Satsuma » January 12th, 2017, 8:05 am

Hmm, ok thanks. I might wait till early Feb then, after the SA deadline, but before the April panic.

I'll settle in with a cup of tea and a book, and the phone on loudspeaker :D

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Re: Changing PAYE Tax Coding to account for HR tax relief on pension contributions


Postby gryffron » January 12th, 2017, 10:25 am

Hint: Phone the direct office number shown on your coding notice. IME that gets you connected fairly quickly to someone who knows about you. DON'T phone the generic HMRC numbers from t'interweb, or you just get passed from pillar to post.


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Re: Changing PAYE Tax Coding to account for HR tax relief on pension contributions


Postby PinkDalek » January 12th, 2017, 1:55 pm

Satsuma wrote:According to my employer's pension information, "Higher rate taxpayers can apply for additional tax relief via an adjustment to their PAYE tax coding."

Question 1: I have an existing Account on HMRC/ Government Gateway, but I can't see anywhere to do this. How do I go about this please? Googling suggests I have to go down the SA route to reclaim the HR tax relief which I would rather avoid! (PAYE employee, my only income)

Question 2: Do I need to do anything else?


Rather than telephone ... (which is only for agents) includes If you are an individual and you think your PAYE Coding Notice is wrong you must sign into your Personal Tax Account and go to 'Check your Income Tax' and then 'Tell us about a change'.

This leads to which may then enable you to claim relief via your coding (although I've never done it myself but a post or two on the old TMF Taxes board suggested it was actioned fairly swiftly but this wasn't for higher rate pension relief).

If this link functions it seems to confirm what I've suggested.

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Re: Changing PAYE Tax Coding to account for HR tax relief on pension contributions


Postby Satsuma » January 12th, 2017, 4:01 pm

PinkDalek wrote:Rather than telephone ... (which is only for agents) includes If you are an individual and you think your PAYE Coding Notice is wrong you must sign into your Personal Tax Account and go to 'Check your Income Tax' and then 'Tell us about a change'..

Thank you PD. I have tried several variants of this but if anyone knows the exact path I'd be grateful.
Logged into my Account and went to the Income Tax bit ( ... income-tax)

This is the section I think you refer to you in your post, but none of the options seem to suit:
Tell us about a change
If your details here are wrong or if there is something missing, tell us about changes to your:
company benefits
employment or pension
investment income
state benefits
other income

(Or at least I didn't find anything suitable but now any of those options I click on sends me to a 502 Bad Gateway page :cry: )

I also looked at the Tax Code section itself ( ... /tax-codes) but there's nothing there I can see about changing it.

From there, I clicked into Taxable Income ( ... ble-income) where I can update the annual salary figure, but it wants to know my gross pay, without any "effective from" date either (my salary and benefits also changed mid way through the tax year). Al there is is a comment saying "Enter your annual taxable pay from your employment(s) and pension(s) for the tax year 6 April 2016 to 5 April 2017."

Why isn't there a button which says "tell us about a change you want to make to your tax code"? :lol:

(Or even one that says "contact us")

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Re: Changing PAYE Tax Coding to account for HR tax relief on pension contributions


Postby Satsuma » January 12th, 2017, 4:03 pm

gryffron wrote:Hint: Phone the direct office number shown on your coding notice. IME that gets you connected fairly quickly to someone who knows about you. DON'T phone the generic HMRC numbers from t'interweb, or you just get passed from pillar to post.


Unfortunately I have not had a coding notice for years.


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Re: Changing PAYE Tax Coding to account for HR tax relief on pension contributions


Postby PinkDalek » January 12th, 2017, 4:27 pm

Satsuma wrote:... Why isn't there a button which says "tell us about a change you want to make to your tax code"? :lol:

Sorry it didn't do the business. The TMF poster I mentioned was memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=424 but he didn't post a direct link back then (the relevant website may have changed anyway).

I suppose you could always PM him or ask again over at Taxes Practical Issues on LMF or make the 'phone call when you are up to it!

PS Thanks for the speedy deletion elsewhere.

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Re: Changing PAYE Tax Coding to account for HR tax relief on pension contributions


Postby Satsuma » January 12th, 2017, 4:31 pm

Thanks, I shall try one or more of your suggestions!

PS. You were my first deletion here! I had to look up how to do it! :geek:

Lemon Half
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Re: Changing PAYE Tax Coding to account for HR tax relief on pension contributions


Postby PinkDalek » January 12th, 2017, 4:37 pm

Satsuma wrote:Thanks, I shall try one or more of your suggestions!

PS. You were my first deletion here! I had to look up how to do it! :geek:

You've deleted me? :evil:

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Re: Changing PAYE Tax Coding to account for HR tax relief on pension contributions


Postby AJC5001 » January 13th, 2017, 12:49 am

PinkDalek wrote:
Satsuma wrote:... Why isn't there a button which says "tell us about a change you want to make to your tax code"? :lol:

Sorry it didn't do the business. The TMF poster I mentioned was memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=424 but he didn't post a direct link back then (the relevant website may have changed anyway).

I suppose you could always PM him or ask again over at Taxes Practical Issues on LMF or make the 'phone call when you are up to it!

As the 'TMF poster' referred to is me, and I recently used my Personal Tax Account to get my Tax Code changed, I suppose I'd better refresh my memory as to exactly how I did it. :roll:

I got a new Tax Code notice on 5th December, logged into my Tax Account on 11th December, and got the revised Tax Code on 17th December. Perhaps they weren't busy in December. :)

My change was to a dividend payment from a private company, which meant that I would no longer have to pay any Dividend Tax.

This was done by clicking on the 'investment income' link in the section of the 'Income Tax' page you get to by clicking the 'Check your Income Tax estimate button on the 'Your Pay As You Earn Income Tax ' page.

Tell us about a change
If your details here are wrong or if there is something missing, tell us about changes to your:
company benefits
employment or pension
investment income
state benefits
other income

and filling in the resulting questions.

Have you tried clicking the 'employment or pension' link?


Lemon Slice
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Re: Changing PAYE Tax Coding to account for HR tax relief on pension contributions


Postby Satsuma » January 13th, 2017, 10:07 am

HI Adrian

Thanks. I am pretty sure I went through each of the options listed and none of them seemed relevant - I have changed my salary and benefits package within my role, but not my employer and it is partway through a tax year, not for the full tax year. Each option seemed to be only relevant for one part of that!

And since then I either get a 520 Bad Gateway on any page I try and visit once logged in, or (just now)

Service Unavailable - Zero size object
The server is temporarily unable to service your request. Please try again later.
Reference #15.80851402.1484301917.9c68be

I will try again over the weekend.


Lemon Slice
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Re: Changing PAYE Tax Coding to account for HR tax relief on pension contributions


Postby Satsuma » January 13th, 2017, 11:00 am

An interesting development.

I logged onto the web chat to try and sort this out*, and was all going well until I didn't pass security.
After some convoluted help-without-helping-you from the adviser, it looks like I actually registered 15 years ago which means the address HMRC holds for me is from 3 homes ago. So I must have registered for something way back then, which was converted into the online personal tax account of today.

But yet when I "registered" recently, there was no inkling whatsoever that I had any previous account, I had to go through all the faff with providing info etc as if it were a brand new account. Obviously any communication I have had with them has been at my current address (I have had complaint correspondence with them here for example); and my employer and other government bodies all have me here too.

So basically, HMRC have been sending everything and anything official to that address since 2002. I have now changed the details and have to wait 24hrs for the updates and try again. They won't even answer a general query without passing security :x (which is pretty crap - name/DOB/address/NI - hardly Enigma Code quality!)

So I am one step closer, with a side-benefit.

*I followed the route suggested by Adrian but reconfirmed that the options there are not relevant to my particular circumstances. I am even vaguely wondering whether the advice my employer gave me ("Higher rate taxpayers can apply for additional tax relief via an adjustment to their PAYE tax coding.") is inaccurate. Wouldn't be the first time as they are based overseas and have less understanding of UK tax than I do.

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Re: Changing PAYE Tax Coding to account for HR tax relief on pension contributions


Postby PinkDalek » January 13th, 2017, 11:55 am

Satsuma wrote:... I am even vaguely wondering whether the advice my employer gave me ("Higher rate taxpayers can apply for additional tax relief via an adjustment to their PAYE tax coding.") is inaccurate. Wouldn't be the first time as they are based overseas and have less understanding of UK tax than I do.

That procedure is confirmed in the Friends Life pdf I mentioned earlier:

Page 3 provides a template letter.

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Re: Changing PAYE Tax Coding to account for HR tax relief on pension contributions


Postby Satsuma » January 13th, 2017, 12:28 pm

Thank you! Sorry I forgot to check out the link before now :oops:

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Re: Changing PAYE Tax Coding to account for HR tax relief on pension contributions


Postby Raptor » January 13th, 2017, 2:41 pm

Satsuma wrote:An interesting development.

I logged onto the web chat to try and sort this out*, and was all going well until I didn't pass security.
After some convoluted help-without-helping-you from the adviser, it looks like I actually registered 15 years ago which means the address HMRC holds for me is from 3 homes ago. So I must have registered for something way back then, which was converted into the online personal tax account of today.

But yet when I "registered" recently, there was no inkling whatsoever that I had any previous account, I had to go through all the faff with providing info etc as if it were a brand new account. Obviously any communication I have had with them has been at my current address (I have had complaint correspondence with them here for example); and my employer and other government bodies all have me here too.

So basically, HMRC have been sending everything and anything official to that address since 2002. I have now changed the details and have to wait 24hrs for the updates and try again. They won't even answer a general query without passing security :x (which is pretty crap - name/DOB/address/NI - hardly Enigma Code quality!)

So I am one step closer, with a side-benefit.

*I followed the route suggested by Adrian but reconfirmed that the options there are not relevant to my particular circumstances. I am even vaguely wondering whether the advice my employer gave me ("Higher rate taxpayers can apply for additional tax relief via an adjustment to their PAYE tax coding.") is inaccurate. Wouldn't be the first time as they are based overseas and have less understanding of UK tax than I do.

The HMRC are a "law" to themselves. My daughter moved out 11 years ago, she receives some mail at her current house and some to me. Recently she registered online to get a rebate paid direct, only to find that the address there was "mine". She has left it as is going to move again this year and will update it then. As to a "previous" login, I have had a login for them for years as was on the pilot for doing my taxes on-line and have done it every year since, even though they keep telling me I do not have to anymore (strange as they are now pushing everyone to do it on-line at some point). I only found out that the logins were one and the same when trying to register and failing the security and realising that I got all the "bells and whistles" with my original one. Nice of them to tell us that.


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