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Could we make something positive out of this?

For discussion of the practicalities of setting up and operating income-portfolios which follow the HYP Group Guidelines. READ Guidelines before posting
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Lemon Quarter
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Could we make something positive out of this?


Postby Julian » November 4th, 2016, 11:54 am

Hello everyone. I was/am Julian1106 on Fool UK but since I got here early I thought I'd grab the "Julian" user name here which wasn't available when I registered on The Fool site 15 years ago.

Many of us were upset about the news of the Fool UK forums closing but I'm wondering whether we could make something positive out of this reset. There have been some really great posts from some of the HYP stalwarts (to steal Minesadouble's term in another thread) but many have become difficult to find or remember due to the passage of time and other posts. Maybe as some of those stalwarts come over here they might be generous enough to identify a few of their Fool UK posts that they thought were most valuable and still of relevance(*) and copy and paste them from the Fool site across to here. There are probably copyright issues regarding bulk slurping and re-posting of Fool content, not to mention technical issues of doing it on a big scale, but presumably the original authors re-posting their own content here wouldn't be an issue and it might create a nice kick-start for this new site.

In my opinion we should definitely have the courtesy to leave the original authors to copy in any of their Fool posts as they see fit rather than anyone else doing it even though that would technically be possible (but again maybe having copyright issues).

- Julian

(*) e.g. I would say Gengulphus's original safety margin analysis is interesting now for the methodology and explanation even if the data is pre-financial-crash to name one oldie but goodie (the post - I make no comment on Gengulphus himself).

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Re: Could we make something positive out of this?


Postby ben328 » November 4th, 2016, 4:05 pm

I couldn't agree more and if the facility existed here to recommend or like the idea I would do so. At least if that functionality does exist I haven't found it. But then I only registered a few minutes ago.

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Could we make something positive out of this?


Postby Julian » November 4th, 2016, 4:44 pm

ben328 wrote:... But then I only registered a few minutes ago.

In that case you're about to spend the next few minutes stumbling across numerous posts asking for the rec feature to be introduced :). They are working on it, or at least investigating if it is possible.

Anyway, thanks for the rec-in-spirit.

- Julian

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