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How much do you expect my rent to go up by in a house share?

Covering Market, Trends, and Practical (but see LEMON-AID for Building & DIY)
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How much do you expect my rent to go up by in a house share?


Postby savingforahouse123 » April 7th, 2022, 1:29 pm

I'm based in Newcastle and I have a housemate who owns the house. I pay my rent to her.

The property is a 3 bed semi detached (the other bedroom has been turned into her dressing room) worth around the £235k mark I reckon (she bought it 2 and a half years ago for £215k).

I pay £550 a month rent and I don't worry about bills.

She's on a fixed term metre which will be going up in August so I expect my rent to go up alongside.

I'm considering leaving because I pay a lot for rent already for Newcastle standards and it's going to go up further. I get that all property rents will go up due to energy going up however the base rental costs in other properties could be far lower.

How much do you expect the bills to go up by? And to make sure I don't get ripped off, do you think however much they go up by we should split the cost of this?

I mean, if I didn't live here there would be a lot of costs she pays anyway so by me being there it hasn't necessarily doubled in price and therefore I maybe shouldn't be expected to pay half of it. Eg she would have the heating on regardless of if I lived here or not.

Eg if it goes up by £100 a month, should we split it and I pay £50? That might not seem right using my argument in my previous paragraph.

I could be completely off here by I expect my rent to go up by £10-20 a month. Does that sound right?

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Re: How much do you expect my rent to go up by in a house share?


Postby Lootman » April 7th, 2022, 1:36 pm

When I bought my first house I got myself a housemate. At the time I worked out the annual costs of running the property including mortgage, council tax, insurance, utilities etc., and charged the other guy 50% of that in rent. We were similar in age and income so that seemed fair. I wasn't making any profit from it but of course he was helping pay costs that I would have had anyway.

But most small-time landlords will just try and charge what the market will bear, particularly if that keeps their total rental income below the limit for the tax-free rent-a-room allowance. Your landlord is free to raise the rent to anything he wants and you are free to go elsewhere. £550 a month sounds a lot to me for the North-East but then if that is inclusive of all bills then maybe it isn't too bad. A rent increase equal to the rise in inflation seems reasonable to me.

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Re: How much do you expect my rent to go up by in a house share?


Postby DrFfybes » April 7th, 2022, 5:29 pm

You are a lodger. I don't think I ever put my lodgers' rents up whilst they were in residence, even the one who came for 6 weeks and stayed 18 months.

Effectively her only extra costs are Council Tax and a bit of hot water/cooking. You say you are paying high for the area, so I would not expect it to go up at all.

As you say, you can always shop around, but if you get on and it works out well that is worth a lot more to a live in landlord than an extra few quid a week from a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist that spends all their spare time locked in their room tapping at a keyboard until 4am and doesn't even acknowledge you when they go in or out.



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Re: How much do you expect my rent to go up by in a house share?


Postby monabri » April 7th, 2022, 5:50 pm

You might glean some info on how much energy costs have gone up since April 1st (" criminally" so! :shock: )


Energy bills in a 3 bed house might now be several thousand pounds a year and if I had a lodger I'd be concerned that they were not wasting it!

If you wanted to be really fair an extra 10 or 20 quid a month.....sorry but you are having a laugh!

(Then you have additional water rates (£450 pa, council tax ( £1700 pa maybe). You might ask her what the actual bills are!

I think when you move into your own flat/ house you WILL worry about bills!

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Re: How much do you expect my rent to go up by in a house share?


Postby vand » April 10th, 2022, 8:20 pm

Would you not have to pay higher bills in whatever arrangement you would go to if you left?

Frankly, it sounds like a pretty cushty arrangement you have, with bills included in your rent. I have lived in houseshares where each month we quibbled over who made what calls when the monthly phonebill statement arrived.

Prices are going up everywhere. If you moved out I'm sure she could easily find someone else.. I don't really think you're in a position of strength here.

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