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Re: Introduce Yourself and/or Ask About the Site

Posted: February 19th, 2022, 12:24 pm
by tjh290633
TUK020 wrote:I declared victory and the end of July 2021, and stepped down from running a small company and have stopped paid employment.
Having fun, and starting to consume the fruits of my earlier labours.

Good for you, TUK. I started investing rather earlier than you, in 1958 to be precise. I learned a lot of lessons along the way, often the hard way, but invested regularly in various media, Endowment Assurance, Unit Trusts, Shares, Property Bonds, and then PEPs came along which concentrated my thoughts on shares. I still have a few UTs, and invest in ITs for my grandchildren.

Were I to start afresh, I would have gone initially for one of the global ITs, of which FCIT looks to be the better performer. I would have diversified along the way, as in fact I did.


Re: Introduce Yourself and/or Ask About the Site

Posted: March 10th, 2022, 1:59 pm
by Indhren
Hi Everyone
I am new to investing and came across this site while searching for fixed income investments. Thank you for the great advice thus far. If I may ask, does anyone have any good ideas on fixed income bonds or investments with capital protection or guarantee. Thanks in advance. Indhren

Re: Introduce Yourself and/or Ask About the Site

Posted: March 10th, 2022, 5:34 pm
by GrahamPlatt
Indhren wrote:Hi Everyone
I am new to investing and came across this site while searching for fixed income investments. Thank you for the great advice thus far. If I may ask, does anyone have any good ideas on fixed income bonds or investments with capital protection or guarantee. Thanks in advance. Indhren

Try here: viewtopic.php?t=32824

Re: Introduce Yourself and/or Ask About the Site

Posted: March 10th, 2022, 9:48 pm
by csearle
Indhren wrote:Hi Everyone
I am new to investing and came across this site while searching for fixed income investments. Thank you for the great advice thus far. If I may ask, does anyone have any good ideas on fixed income bonds or investments with capital protection or guarantee. Thanks in advance. Indhren
Welcome to The Lemon Fool! :)


Re: Introduce Yourself and/or Ask About the Site

Posted: March 11th, 2022, 9:13 am
by OriB

I am new to this site having come from Fixed Interest Investor (Boo, why did it close?)

I have been largely invested in fixed interest bonds and REITS over many years. It has worked well for me - very few headaches and reliable income. I now have had a large bond mature and need to make some investment decisions. We have interest rates forecast at 2% this year and inflation 7-9%! So it is a struggle. Any suggestions?

Re: Introduce Yourself and/or Ask About the Site

Posted: March 11th, 2022, 9:37 am
by tjh290633
OriB wrote:Hi

I am new to this site having come from Fixed Interest Investor (Boo, why did it close?)

I have been largely invested in fixed interest bonds and REITS over many years. It has worked well for me - very few headaches and reliable income. I now have had a large bond mature and need to make some investment decisions. We have interest rates forecast at 2% this year and inflation 7-9%! So it is a struggle. Any suggestions?

You ought to look at equities. Here are the yields from my 36 holdings:

Rank   EPIC   Yield 
1 RIO 15.21%
2 ADM 11.25%
3 BHP 9.59%
4 IMB 9.04%
5 LGEN 7.21%
6 BATS 7.03%
7 TW. 6.56%
8 VOD 6.41%
9 IGG 5.73%
10 AV. 5.44%
11 SSE 4.91%
12 PHP 4.61%
13 TATE 4.50%
14 LLOY 4.49%
15 BT.A 4.40%
16 NG. 4.36%
17 BP. 4.35%
18 ULVR 4.34%
19 SMDS 4.17%
20 UU. 4.04%
21 S32 3.88%
22 KGF 3.43%
23 BLND 3.43%
24 BA. 3.42%
25 SHEL 3.34%
26 TSCO 3.34%
27 GSK 3.33%
28 PSON 3.16%
29 RKT 3.04%
30 AZN 2.28%
31 DGE 2.19%
32 SGRO 1.90%
33 IMI 1.78%
34 CPG 0.86%
35 MKS 0.00%
36 MARS 0.00%

They range from the ridiculous to the sensible to the daft.

You could spread it around a few of those. I follow what is basically the HYP method, with my own variations. Go to viewforum.php?f=15 for a lot more information.


Re: Introduce Yourself and/or Ask About the Site

Posted: March 13th, 2022, 5:54 pm
by JohnnyCyclops
I'm now a very infrequent visitor to TLF. I restarted investing around 2010 having previously invested in the late 1980s in my first paid work (M&G unit trusts in PEPs, I recall - investments later sold for 'life events').

Around 2010 I found TMF and its then podcast with David Kuo and rather rapidly came to HYP investing, building up a small HYP over a few years and being a regularish poster to TMF. The HYP's since stuttered due to lack of new investing funds, plus once it reached maturity there seemed less and less to post about on TLF (as quite a few other HYPsters have come to realise down the years). I've also been able to better focus on employment-related pensions, gathering a few dormant ones into a SIPP and investing in ETFs/Funds. I dabbled in more frequent trading in 2010/11 but it's just too much effort/worry, whereas a 'buy & forget(ish)' HYP gives a better return that bank savings, with some risk, but also in a broad portfolio the rough balances the smooth and I sleep soundly.

The next financial step (in our early 50s) is to work out a likely retirement path, and clearing a mortgage (we were very late in life to home buying), so some financial planning is in order, likely this year.

I've gained immeasurably from TMF/TLF in my financial knowledge and acumen. I'm grateful for those who've taken time to share their knowledge and insights. I hope I've made my own small contribution along the way too.

Re: Introduce Yourself and/or Ask About the Site

Posted: April 23rd, 2022, 2:42 pm
by ukbb
Howdy! Can someone tell me where Gimme My Stars is?

Re: Introduce Yourself and/or Ask About the Site

Posted: April 23rd, 2022, 5:16 pm
by Clariman
ukbb wrote:Howdy! Can someone tell me where Gimme My Stars is?

There is/was a board of that name on the US Motley Fool website. We don't have one here.

Re: Introduce Yourself and/or Ask About the Site

Posted: May 17th, 2022, 6:16 pm
by Hornblower
Hello everyone

I lamented the loss of TMF discussion forum for years, never realising that TLF existed. You've made my day!
Back in the day I was drawn to HYP, though my own portfolio at the time took a little more risk.

I look forward to learning, reacquainting myself with the regulars & hopefully contributing some of my own thoughts.


Re: Introduce Yourself and/or Ask About the Site

Posted: May 18th, 2022, 9:14 am
by Clariman
Hornblower wrote:Hello everyone

I lamented the loss of TMF discussion forum for years, never realising that TLF existed. You've made my day!
Back in the day I was drawn to HYP, though my own portfolio at the time took a little more risk.

I look forward to learning, reacquainting myself with the regulars & hopefully contributing some of my own thoughts.


Welcome - or should it be welcome back to the world of the Fool. The Fool with a Lemon twist rather than a Motley hue.


Re: Introduce Yourself and/or Ask About the Site

Posted: May 18th, 2022, 1:36 pm
by MDW1954
Hornblower wrote:Hello everyone

I lamented the loss of TMF discussion forum for years, never realising that TLF existed. You've made my day!
Back in the day I was drawn to HYP, though my own portfolio at the time took a little more risk.

I look forward to learning, reacquainting myself with the regulars & hopefully contributing some of my own thoughts.


Hello there, Hornblower

As you've probably realised, our HYP board is here:

It's known as "HYP Practical" because it focuses on the practical aspects of managing HYP portfolios. There's another board ("High Yield Strategies") for broader HYP discussions. You'll probably want to follow both.


Re: Introduce Yourself and/or Ask About the Site

Posted: June 9th, 2022, 10:59 am
by Julietame
Hello, I am a Financial analyst.

Re: Introduce Yourself and/or Ask About the Site

Posted: July 15th, 2022, 1:42 pm
by StirlingCastle

Just saying hello, found this community today trying to broaden my horizons beyond Reddit and just sticking to the public markets. Looking to learn from others predominately about being more tax efficient and to find investment opportunities outside of the standard fare. I've worked in marketing for a bank for a good couple of years so I've got a decent understanding, but there's always more to learn!

Hopefully get to know some of you better soon.

Re: Introduce Yourself and/or Ask About the Site

Posted: July 15th, 2022, 4:30 pm
by Clariman
StirlingCastle wrote:Hi!

Just saying hello, found this community today trying to broaden my horizons beyond Reddit and just sticking to the public markets. Looking to learn from others predominately about being more tax efficient and to find investment opportunities outside of the standard fare. I've worked in marketing for a bank for a good couple of years so I've got a decent understanding, but there's always more to learn!

Hopefully get to know some of you better soon.

Welcome to the site StirlingCastle. Nice to have someone named after Scotland finest royal castle!


Re: Introduce Yourself and/or Ask About the Site

Posted: August 5th, 2022, 3:55 pm
by elfoolio
Hello, I'm semi-literate at investing and looking to learn more here. Thanks to the guys running the site, there's a superabundance of things to read about here.

One specific thing I'm wondering is, what to do with the proceeds of a house sale if I have a gap between selling and buying (say six months or so)? I guess nothing is guaranteed to stay with inflation but what sort of options are the least bad? If there's another forum that's better to ask on, let me know! Thanks!

Re: Introduce Yourself and/or Ask About the Site

Posted: August 5th, 2022, 4:31 pm
by staffordian
elfoolio wrote:Hello, I'm semi-literate at investing and looking to learn more here. Thanks to the guys running the site, there's a superabundance of things to read about here.

One specific thing I'm wondering is, what to do with the proceeds of a house sale if I have a gap between selling and buying (say six months or so)? I guess nothing is guaranteed to stay with inflation but what sort of options are the least bad? If there's another forum that's better to ask on, let me know! Thanks!


Regarding your query, there is no easy answer. I would simply place it in my bank for that period.

Any investment over a short fixed timescale is risky. Could you afford to lose 10, 20 or even 50% if the market had tanked just as you need the funds to complete on a purchase?

Banks guarantee the first £85,000, double for a joint account, but if you have a temporary higher balance because of the type of situation you outline, that is generally covered too.

I would have suggested a simple savings account to at least earn some interest, but without checkng, I'm not sure if this temporary higher balance cover applies to all accounts or is limited to a current account.

Re: Introduce Yourself and/or Ask About the Site

Posted: August 5th, 2022, 4:32 pm
by tjh290633
elfoolio wrote:Hello, I'm semi-literate at investing and looking to learn more here. Thanks to the guys running the site, there's a superabundance of things to read about here.

One specific thing I'm wondering is, what to do with the proceeds of a house sale if I have a gap between selling and buying (say six months or so)? I guess nothing is guaranteed to stay with inflation but what sort of options are the least bad? If there's another forum that's better to ask on, let me know! Thanks!

Welcome to Lemon Fool. In my view, for such a short period, cash is going to be hard to beat. Interest rates on deposits should be starting to rise, but unlikely to be inflation-matched. Anything else would be too much risk.


Re: Introduce Yourself and/or Ask About the Site

Posted: August 6th, 2022, 4:17 pm
by MisterNick

I have just signed up although I thought I had previously registered. Perhaps it was TMF.

I'm sort of retired, with most income coming from a DC pension.

The main board I follow here is the VCT one, although the knowledge of the regular posters there leave me in the shade. I have a VCT question to ask which I will post on the VCT board.
If anybody is interested I hold Octopus Titan, Triple Point Income e shares, Maven 3 & 4, Hargreaves Aim, Unicorn, Proven VCT & Proven G & I.

Many thanks to all who have helped with my knowledge thus far.


Re: Introduce Yourself and/or Ask About the Site

Posted: August 6th, 2022, 7:15 pm
by tjh290633
Welcome, Nick. You obviously know your way around the site, so enjoy the experience.